In a world where many pets are living a life of luxury, there are those who have been unfortunate, neglected, and left to fend for themselves. This is the inspiring story of Bella, a resilient sou...
Party on with Gunner the Golden Retriever
THE Best Family Dog (these might be fighting words) I have been blessed with dogs my entire life. As an adult, I finally chose the kind of dog I wanted. The breed that resonated was the quintes...
About LOVE YOUR PET in Park City, UT
Since 1994, Love Your Pet has been handcrafting artisan dog and cat food tailored to meet the natural evolutionary needs of your best friend. We believe that our furry companions are more tha...
Safety and Integrity STATEMENT
Handling Guidelines for Safe Use Some raw food products may contain bacteria that could cause illness to you or the animals you are feeding if mishandled. For your protection, follow these inst...